Yet this does not necessarily mean that these perennial kiteboards are not state-of-the-art. Brands continue to develop and keep improving their kiteboards every year. Fresh new kiteboards, but from last year or the year before. We also have a lot of kiteboards in the sale. When you're not sure or got another question, don't hesitate and contact us. We usually explain in the info section which bars go well with the kite. So make sure you have the right bar for the selected kite. When purchasing an outdated model, pay attention to a number of important aspects. This constant flow of new kites each year is a great opportunity to purchase an older model. This keeps the market fresh and allows the kite sport to grow. Also when you buy a secondhand kite you don't always know how well the owner has dealt with the kite.Įvery year kite brands release new kite models on the market. The kites are reliable, safe and will last for years. These kites are completely new and offer you all the advantages of a new kite.
Have you just finished your kite lessons or don't want to borrow the kite gear from a friend anymore, but ain't got a big budget? Then you might want to consider getting yourself an older kite model.